The Electric Circus Blog

We usually don’t use trigger warnings. Reader discretion is advised. Wondering who’s who? Meet the system.

Random Shuffle

One of the biggest “tells” of who in T-E-C is out front is what music we listen to. There is crossover in our tastes,...

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Cautiously Hopeful

Getting off Zyprexa and onto Vraylar has been life-changing. Our mood and ability to think is much better. It also seems Zyprexa can cause...

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Rabbi Zusha

When Rabbi Zusha was on his deathbed, his students found him in uncontrollable tears. They tried to comfort him by telling him that he...

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I Haz a Depressed

I know I’m dealing with depression when I’m too depressed to play video games. I downloaded Baldur’s Gate III the other day, but haven’t...

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