Alter Introductions

Blogs may include sensitive or triggering content. Reader discretion is advised.

Steven Grant (He/She/They) – Steven is an introject from Moon Knight and is a co-host in the Moon Knight subsystem. He does not front often. 

Marc Spector – Marc is the host of the Moon Knight subsystem. He does not front often. He tries not to associate with his source (both comic and show).

Ross – Really into Lethal Company, which his source is making a mod for, and often does the Hoarding Bug “Yippee” gif in chat, which he is obsessed with. Doesn’t really front often unless we get back into his source. 

Jey (They/It) – An anger holder and avenger. Is often front triggered at work for they hold most of our anger due to work related things. Is dating Ava (in system), usually fronting together.

Ava (She/Her) – Ava is a protector and a meditator and part of the Library of Memories subsystem. She is often fronting to make sure that her partner, Jey, does not cause issues for the body by meditating their responses. Ava is also an introject of a co-worker.

[Nameless] (They/She) – They do not have a name but as a nickname they allow Nameless. They are an Emotional Regulator and a Misguided Protector. They also currently been MIA.

000 (They/Xir) – They are a nonhuman alter who was created to be a servant/slave. (Brain made Pseudo-memories) 000 is often kneeling and not talking in chat or in call without direct permission or a question was directed at them. Xir is very formal with “m’am” and “sir”.


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