• Profile photo of Kel

    Kel posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Any advice on how to deal with being overwhelmed by formerly repressed memories would be appreciated. It’s not trauma, it’s all the good things from my 1st marriage that I forgot. I am happy in my current life, but the intensity of the memories is confusing and I feel like I am grieving a loss.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Perhaps you need to grieve the loss? Memories get repressed when we can’t process them, but eventually, they do need to be processed. Maybe it’s time for you to process this more fully.

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  • Profile photo of Kel

    Kel posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    We (or at least most of us lol) are Autistic, just wanted to throw it out there. Being eccentric and not having good social skills really helps make having DID even more complex (if that’s even possible!) It’s a good thing I read Sherlock Holmes, but I am the mystery that needs solved 😆

  • Profile photo of Kel

    Kel posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Hello everyone, I am so glad we found this space. Living with DID is challenging and it is very isolating. I am hoping to find friends here. I hope everyone has a good day today💛

    Shardspace and Unknown Member
  • Profile photo of Kel

    Kel became a registered member a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
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