• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    The art page has been updated.

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    You’ll notice a lot of Hatchling Tadpoles running around. Members will get points for various activities – making posts, replying, connecting with friends, etc. The more points you get, the more your tadpole grows, up to the point it becomes an Adult Frog. I know, it’s silly.

    Aspect, Luna and theswarm
    1 Comment
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      And yes, there is a super hard to get to rank, in which you are kissed and turned into a Prince/Princess. 😉
      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Hey all, there is going to be a short downtime for the site tonight. I’m going to be moving the site to a new home that’s $55/mo cheaper. The catch is its in the Netherlands instead of Seattle, but for $55/mo, I can deal with that. 😉

        ASocietyofGhosts, kingslayer and Aspect
        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          OK, dissociative.cafe is moved over. Now for the wiki and the mail server…
            • View 1 reply
        • So Nervous About Sunday's Hangout

          I am not a charismatic 20 something that has thousands of followers.  I’m an extremely overweight mess in her late 40s that unconsciously pulls out…

          • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
            We don't really hang out online with people a lot personally, we have bad teeth so totally know the stigma that comes with talking on camera, and we're a 25 year old with a history of various types of… Read more
            • View 2 replies
        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          OK, I’ve reworked the blog system a bit, although I’m not sure I’m happy with it yet. At any rate, members can now post blog entries that will both be accessible from their profile page and from the new Members Blog page in the header menu. New blog posts will also get a notice on DissociaBook. There isn’t currently a “save to draft”…

          Read more

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Please join the Zoom Hangouts Group if you’d like to attend the first ever .cafe hangout this Sunday at 4:00 PM Pacific time.

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          I’m going to need to change the email server that sends out notifications from the site. The one we currently use has a limit on the number of emails that can be sent in a day, and we’re getting close to hitting it. Mail may be more likely to hit your spam folder from the new server, so please be on the lookout, and let me know if that’s happening.

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          I’m testing a new way to do instant messaging on the site. Click on the speech bubble in the lower right hand corner to bring up the chat window. You still need to connect with someone before you can send them direct private messages, but I think I like this chat experience better. Let me know what you think.

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Where do you think we should focus our energies?

          Luna and Aspect
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