• Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    You know your sleep schedule is messed up when gong to bed at 11:00 PM is considered going to bed early 😂


    GoddexxGrimes, Luna and 4 others
  • Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    Hey everyone. Thought I’d pop on real quick and say Hi! My name is Autumn and I’m the writer in our Fox Tales System. I’m super excited about this and hope to meet some nice people here. Chat if you want, I’m always up for a talk!

    saoirse.t-e-c, Aspect and 2 others
  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Hey just hope everyone’s doing well and taking care of themselves 🙂

    Shardspace, Aspect and 3 others
    1 Comment
  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    There are two new coloring pages on the Art page. We like the kitty one. 🙂 Reminder that if y’all want to color a page digitally or by hand, we’ll showcase your work – just color and upload from the Art page.

    Shardspace, Aspect and Luna
  • Profile photo of saoirse.t-e-c

    saoirse.t-e-c posted an update a year ago

    a year ago (edited)

    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Error 22 Begone!

    TL;DR version:

    I broke the site for some people, it’s fixed, but breakage in new ways may yet appear this weekend, please let me know if it does – saoirse@t-e-c.org.

    Longer version:

    I’m still searching for a WordPress WAF (Web Application Firewall – protects stuff) that I like, and one that will play nicely with my generic…

    Read more

    • Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

      Did have a thing a few days ago were I was logged out automatically, and couldn’t find a way to log back in. Started to think my profile had been wiped or something until I tried the sign up link on the home page. Don’t know if that counts as a problem or if I was just being stupid. 😂

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      By popular demand, any member can now chat with any other member, even if they haven’t connected. In fact, there isn’t a “connect” button anymore, because its not needed for anything. 😉 You can chat with folks on or offline, as well as entire groups. Give it a whirl, its in the lower right hand corner.

      Aspect, theswarm and braidid
      1 Comment
      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        holy !$#, I became an adult frog! Now I just have to find a princess to kiss me…

      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        I killed the old public Trigger Warning forums and made a private Trigger Warning Territory group. Advantages are that a) search engines and non-members can’t see private groups and b) people have to opt in to see potentially triggering content.

        Shardspace and Aspect
      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Right now everyone on the site is great, and there is no need for moderation. This is the internet, though, and the trolls will eventually…

        Shardspace, Aspect and 2 others
        1 Comment
      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        A super helpful graph taken from studies from the DSM-5/NAMI. When someone shouts “DID IS SO RARE” it’s very helpful to put it into perspective with OCD numbers. This is now added to the wiki too including more research and written out studies (and that page is still in progress and will be fleshed out more but I wanted to share this graph.)…

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        Aspect, alonee and 2 others
      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        In the header menu, there is now a link to the Lab, which is where I’ll be testing things out from now on. Currently being evaluated is DissociaCord, which I think is a better chat experience than what we have now. Let me know what you think.

        ASocietyofGhosts and Aspect
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