• Profile photo of Aspect

    Aspect posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Hi everybody! My name’s Alice. Been trying recently to be more social with other people and stuff, so if anyone would like to add us, please feel free. 😊

    Also, does anyone else here use the Simply Plural app? It’s so useful for figuring out who’s been out and for how long. All the missing time doesn’t feel quite so bad.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess
      I’ve been playing with the app, it looks like it might be enlightening. I’m lucky that I don’t 100% lose time much anymore, although things can be pretty fuzzy, but its been happening more than I’d like lately. I think its due to the time of year. I don’t know the full story of why the holidays are so triggering, they just always have been.…

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    • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

      We use Simply Plural. Not super consistently but tracking fronting trends is p cool, and often times it gives us info about system members who fill out their info but wouldn’t typically outright communicate it to us

    • Profile photo of Aspect

      Aspect became a registered member a year ago

      a year ago

      Level 3: Toothed Tadpole
      braidid and saoirse.t-e-c
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