Forum Replies Created

  • Luna

    November 1, 2023 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Healing Ritual for Fusion
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Hi, it’s been a while but I thought I might update this thread ????

    I finally got around to drafting up a self-love style fusion ritual that I believe will honor our old-selves and welcome our new self. It’s very rough, but I’m planning on refining it and performing our ritual on the 13th which I think is when the new moon is scheduled.

    We will take pictures and see if we can post about it when we get closer to the time!

  • Luna

    September 13, 2023 at 7:52 pm in reply to: What would you want in a dissociative care package?
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Aww, I love this idea <3 I think journals and stuffies are a great idea, I also think self-help books could be a good thing to include as well. Maybe even coloring books for little alters? Honestly, anything y’all put in would be nice 🙂

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    In order to “test” my mom and stepdad about what they thought of it, I watched the movie “What If It Works?” with them and gaged their reactions while watching it. It’s a really good romantic comedy that accurately depicts a main character with DID (In my opinion, at least). The only downside about the movie I feel is that they refer to DID as multiple personality disorder, which of course is an outdated term.

  • Luna

    December 14, 2022 at 7:13 pm in reply to: Zoom Hangouts?
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    I think that’d be pretty fun! I would definitely like to see if something like that could be set up 🙂

  • Luna

    December 14, 2022 at 1:21 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    My name is Luna(she/her, 27). I’m the host of our system.

    We really like gaming in our system, we play a lot of things like Sims, Final Fantasy, Genshin Impact. There’s a lot of other games, but I’m not gonna list them all(lol). We all have different preferences and gaming styles, which I personally think is pretty interesting. We had a lot of different gaming consoles growing up, so our games collection is pretty broad.

    Some of us enjoy reading. I have a lot of fantasy, romance, adventure, and manga up on my shelf. I enjoy writing, and have been writing and journaling for as far back as I can remember. I enjoy creating stories that are wholesome and slice-of-life. I’ve been in the process of developing a farming simulator game since about 2019, and it’s a project that I’m very passionate about and hoping to finish within the next few years.

    Three of us are practicing witches as far as I’m aware. I mainly work with herbal magic and astrology(mainly with the moon). I honestly feel like since I’ve started practicing that my healing journey has changed in a positive way.

    We were diagnosed(with DID) in mid-2020, and there’s still a lot that we don’t entirely understand or know about each other. We use an app on our phone to communicate with each other, which has helped a lot with bridging the gaps in our memory.

    My messages are open for anyone who wants to chat <3

  • Luna

    September 20, 2023 at 4:21 pm in reply to: What would you want in a dissociative care package?
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Oooh, good idea I second this ????

  • Luna

    September 18, 2023 at 7:17 pm in reply to: What would you want in a dissociative care package?
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    My therapist recommended The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk to us once! We haven’t ever read it, but I’ve seen others on tiktok speak highly of it as well.

  • Luna

    July 22, 2023 at 12:44 pm in reply to: Healing Ritual for Fusion
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    You don’t have to feel bad and your suggestions are helpful ???? I especially like the music and dancing idea.

    The fusion for me has been kind of like that, but I didn’t even notice it’d happened (or was happening) for a few months. As far as I’m aware, none of us have ever experienced a fusion before so everything is very new, at least for me. Sometimes it feels like I’ll never get used to it. I’m basically having to learn myself almost all over again, and everything’s really confusing for me. The worst part is the memories for me.

    Both of us who fused were witches but we focused on different paths. We also each had our own Shadowbooks. I’ve been feeling a motivation to work in Maxi’s (who was one of the parts that fused) and my book, but it still feels a little wrong.

    I might see if I can do a tarot spread to get some guidance. We also struggle a lot with sticking to our spiritual practices. It’s really hard to keep to stick to a routine when there are other parts who believe in different things.

  • Luna

    July 21, 2023 at 11:12 pm in reply to: Healing Ritual for Fusion
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    It is a very odd thing to adjust to. I feel so different, and I have an awareness to things I didn’t used to. I’m just trying to take things one step at a time and be positive. ????

  • Luna

    December 21, 2022 at 12:36 am in reply to: Opinions on EMDR
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    I’m really sorry they told you that EMDR was the only way. It is a very common treatment for DID, but not the only one.

    Personally, we’ve been doing it because it works, but Lifespan Integration is also an option. We tried it with our therapist before we were diagnosed, but it didn’t really work because we were basically unaware of each other and communication was nonexistent. It’s meant to be “a gentle, body-based therapeutic method which heals without re-traumatizing”. We haven’t tried it since being diagnosed, but our therapist told us that she’s done it with other DID patients and that it helped them. I imagine that you’d have to have really good communication with everyone in your system for it to be affective though.

  • Luna

    December 15, 2022 at 8:14 pm in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    aw, I love your little bird <3 what’s their name?

    I hope to one day run my own horse rescue, but I won’t be able to do something like that until the far future.

  • Luna

    December 14, 2022 at 1:04 pm in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    We also play WoW, though we can’t always afford the monthly subscription. A lot of online games are positive triggers for another one of our parts, Maxi. I think she most likes the social aspect of them since she’s the most extroverted out of all of us. I really love the Life is Strange series, especially True Colors, I think it’s my favorite in the series.

    Maxi’s also one of our witches, and she originally started on the Wiccan path and was the first to become interested in witchcraft. She eventually realized it wasn’t for her and now she mainly works with Tarot(she uses the Smith-Waite deck) and divination and crystals. I started becoming interested in witchcraft as I was helping her in look into it. The only goddess I’ve worked with so far is Selene(Greek goddess of the moon) and I also do a bit of work with dragons. I grew up in a Christian household so I also believe in God, so I guess I’m in the same boat with polytheism and monotheism.

    We’ve been using Antar to communicate with each other. We’ve been using it since about March of this year and we think it’s the best app for communication that we’ve used. We have a widget on our screen that reminds us to check it every once in a while. We used to exclusively use a journal to communicate, but that was harder for maintaining communication and tracking switches, as we don’t really have it on us most of the time.

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