• Profile photo of t-e-c

    t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    BBSes, Blogs, Web Sites, and Falling Off Wagons

    Before there was a public world wide web, there was the world of computer Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes). People with modems dialed into the BBS…

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    A super helpful graph taken from studies from the DSM-5/NAMI. When someone shouts “DID IS SO RARE” it’s very helpful to put it into perspective with OCD numbers. This is now added to the wiki too including more research and written out studies (and that page is still in progress and will be fleshed out more but I wanted to share this graph.)…

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    Aspect, alonee and 2 others
  • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs


    Hey! Nice chat last night, I don’t think your messages are open (or idk how to open a new one with you) but I’d love to hear if you have any advice on growing/keeping basil! You said you liked working with plants and we’re pretty new to actually paying attention to how to keep them alive 🙂 -Skip

    • Level 6: Adult Frog

      Oops! I’ll see what I can do about my messages… Basil likes south light, so if you have a south-facing window, that would be the best place for it. A bright sunny windowsill will also do, just as long as it’s getting about six hours of light. Basil needs to be in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil, and you want a pot with good drainage. The… Read more

    • Profile photo of t-e-c

      t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

      a year ago

      So Nervous About Sunday's Hangout

      I am not a charismatic 20 something that has thousands of followers.  I’m an extremely overweight mess in her late 40s that unconsciously pulls out…

    • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

      We seem to have lost messaging function. We’re not ignoring anyone but hope all is well and not stressful on the back end 🙂

      • Profile photo of theswarm

        theswarm became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 5: Froglet
      • Profile photo of ASocietyofGhosts

        ASocietyofGhosts became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        Welcome everybody! It’s good to see so many new people here! 🙂

        SpadesSystem, Aspect and 2 others
      • Profile photo of braidid

        braidid posted a new post. a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 6: Adult Frog

        Disclaimer: There are several terms you’ll read here that some systems will not use. There are many “system roles” listed, but some systems decide not to use roles at all. Please don’t assume that because you rea […]

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