• Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Note: “Men”, “Women”, “Boys”, and “Girls” in this article refer to assigned sex at birth as we are discussing gender socialization. That is not to discount anyone’s identity but to discuss the effects of society […]

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Hey just hope everyone’s doing well and taking care of themselves 🙂

    Shardspace, Aspect and 3 others
    1 Comment
  • Level 5: Froglet

    My partners surprised my littles with this blackout tent. The hope is that it will be a safe space for them and also the partners don’t have to hunt through all of our wardrobes in the house to locate them if they get triggered (they tend to hide in small dark spaces).

    Shardspace and Luna
    1 Comment
    • Level 6: Adult Frog

      I really want to get something like that too for our littles, so that they can have their own space to decompress. They deserve all the happiness <3 I hope it works for y’all.

    • Profile photo of t-e-c

      t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

      a year ago

      Struggling, and a Long Switch...

      This blog is essentially one of T-E-C’s journals. We can’t promise to always be entertaining or engaging (or to ever be, for that matter), but…

    • Level 5: Froglet

      Well after spending all this time successfully avoiding the covid, it caught us and I am well not impressed.. boo to spending the new year sick 😷 -someonewhodoesn’twanttodealwiththemeatsuit

      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        We have over 70 people here! That’s crazy! Woo! That’s all. Hey guys! -slightly tipsy charlie and someone unidentified co-con

        Shardspace, Luna and 3 others
      • Profile photo of t-e-c

        t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

        a year ago

        Low Oxygen Day, Failing at Self-Care

        My O2 numbers were pretty good for a few weeks, enough that I stopped wearing my pulse-ox meter.  This morning, however, I was feeling really…

      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        If you have not yet seen our current cover photo it is imperative that you check our profile immediately. That is all.

        • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

          very glad I followed this order. Photo has been seen and approved as day-improving. 🎆

        • Profile photo of braidid

          braidid posted a new post. a year ago

          a year ago

          Level 6: Adult Frog

          DefinitionThe theory of structural dissociation assumes that no one is born with an integrated personality. Instead, every person is born with different parts of themselves called ego states that are tied directly […]

        • Profile photo of t-e-c

          t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

          a year ago

          Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Disclaimer: We are not professionals; we are just doing our best to compile trustworthy information and statistics. These disorders are still heavily under-studied. There are many factors to consider, such as […]

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