• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    I changed the blogging plugin to something a little newer and more powerful. It’s also still a little rough around the edges. Let me know if you like it better than the old blog posting experience or want to return to the old way.

    The_Star_Fissure_System, JaxAmnell and Possum
    • Level 5: Froglet

      I was going to try it out, but…idk if this is a problem with being on phone, but I can’t find where to go for blogging anymore? I don’t have a “blog” category on the profile, and I can’t find anything off of our former blog posts (also can’t edit or change previous blogs…which I don’t overly care about, but I thought it should be noted).…

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  • Level 7: Prince/Princess
    The_Star_Fissure_System, JaxAmnell and Possum
  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    I’m thinking of trimming back the forums and groups. They don’t get used much, as conversations tend to happen on DissociaBook, Blog Comments, or Discord. Thoughts?

    JaxAmnell and Possum
    1 Comment
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      OK, I pruned the forums and groups. None of them had been touched in 3 months or longer, while everything else is hoppin’ on Discord and the web site. I didn’t delete the content, and they may return someday, but they are currently offline.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Us: *shares a bunch of memories, over several therapy sessions*
      *memories are consistent through the retellings, and are only getting clearer and more prevalent with EMDR*
      Therapist: y’all’s memories are real.
      Us: …but couldn’t we be making it all up??

      So, that’s our day. Hope everyone out there is doing well themselves. We….have a lot to process

      The_Star_Fissure_System and Possum
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      When we’re too awake to go back to sleep (thanks work schedule/sar …you’ve changed a naturally nocturnal entity into someone who just…can’t sleep well at all anymore), I realize just how much more work we have to do on our house…

      Our system doesn’t have a place to retreat to that’s “safe” (read as: enclosed, with only 1 way…

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      The_Star_Fissure_System, AyameKurenai and Possum
    • Profile photo of Possum

      Possum became a registered member 5 months ago

      5 months ago

      Level 5: Froglet
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