• Level 7: Prince/Princess
  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    this is a placeholder for what is going to be a longer article. stay tuned!
    Official DSM-5-TR Diagnostic Criteria (F44.0)
    A. An inability to recall important autobiographical information, usually of a traumatic or […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess
  • Level 7: Prince/Princess
  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    DefinitionsDepersonalization is a detachment from a person’s thoughts, emotions, and/or physical form. It can feel like watching yourself on TV or from a great distance. It can make your reflection feel wrong, […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    The Journal of Trauma & DissociationThe official scientific journal of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) focuses on interpersonal trauma and dissociation in children and […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    A: Saoirse is Irish for “freedom”, and can be pronounced SUR-sha, SEER-sha, or SAIR-sha. Just to be confusing, T-E-C’s Saoirse will answer to all three, because, hey, at least you made an effort. It’s not […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Answer by T-E-C:

    It depends on the situation, who is currently fronting, who is co-conscious, the phase of the moon, and whether or not the groundhog saw its shadow. Sometimes it is possible to trigger another […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Know of a good crisis line not listed here? Leave the info in a comment, and we’ll add it!
    All lines are staffed 24/7/365 unless otherwise specified.
    United States

    If it’s an emergency, dial 911.

    988 […]

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Dissociation is a kind of disconnection. You may feel disconnected from your physical surroundings, emotions, memories, or even your sense of self.
    Dissociation is experienced on a spectrum from common everyday […]

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