• Profile photo of Megan

    Megan posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 1: Hatchling Tadpole

    I have been in a chronic dissociated state for about 12 years and recently started trauma therapy. Any advice on how to work with or channel extremely intense emotjons

    • Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

      Hey Megan, I use breathe work and I’m also medicated for those extremes we get.

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    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      I write about it. The T-E-C blog is just one of our journals – some are too private to share. Talking with my peers also helps – you may want to check out our Discord server as well as the forums here. Another method you can learn is TRE (Trauma Release Exercises), which we’ve personally found quite helpful. Of course, none of these things… Read more

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