• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    I’m thinking of trimming back the forums and groups. They don’t get used much, as conversations tend to happen on DissociaBook, Blog Comments, or Discord. Thoughts?

    JaxAmnell and Possum
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    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      OK, I pruned the forums and groups. None of them had been touched in 3 months or longer, while everything else is hoppin’ on Discord and the web site. I didn’t delete the content, and they may return someday, but they are currently offline.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Us: *shares a bunch of memories, over several therapy sessions*
      *memories are consistent through the retellings, and are only getting clearer and more prevalent with EMDR*
      Therapist: y’all’s memories are real.
      Us: …but couldn’t we be making it all up??

      So, that’s our day. Hope everyone out there is doing well themselves. We….have a lot to process

      The_Star_Fissure_System and Possum
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      When we’re too awake to go back to sleep (thanks work schedule/sar …you’ve changed a naturally nocturnal entity into someone who just…can’t sleep well at all anymore), I realize just how much more work we have to do on our house…

      Our system doesn’t have a place to retreat to that’s “safe” (read as: enclosed, with only 1 way…

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      The_Star_Fissure_System, AyameKurenai and Possum
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Ugh…I’m trying to decide if it’s worth talking to our store manager about getting shorter shifts. Even if it’s just as frequent day-wise…I don’t care. 4-5 hours even 5 days a week seems easier to manage than 3-4 shifts that are 8hrs each

      I think our ankles and knee would appreciate it, too


      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        I sent a message to her (so that we don’t bother her during something important) about it. If she sees it today, I assume we’ll talk about it while we’re both at the store today…if not, I assume we’ll message about it ^^

      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        “Important” Life Update: I got to use the toaster again tonight ^.^


      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Random happenings of the last few days…

        Our therapist has sg6uggested us getting on a waiver and getting some home-making or some loosely PCA type of services…which, while we cannot argue that those wouldn’t be helpful…is also a really difficult thing for us to convince ourselves to go for…

        Like…we can physically do a lot of the stuff…

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      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        Trying to file taxes AND be calm at the same time is…Basically impossible rn.

        It all LOOKS like it’ll be okay. We have to pay in over a grand…but I THINK we have our basic expenses covered.

        Our CCs will likely all be maxed out…and it’s going to be very, very tight…

        But it looks like it will be okay.

        And this year SHOULD be the last where…

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      • Level 7: Prince/Princess

        For Laleh–

        A Love Poem? (Does it count as a poem of I don’t have any clue if I followed any sort of rhyme or meter?)

        The flash of playfulness in your gaze of shadows–

        It entrances me, luring me in.

        For others, this is the point where your deadly trap is sprung.

        But for me, your laughter is genuine.

        For me, the smile you show is real.

        You flit…

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