• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    I’d like to congratulate @The_Star_Fissure_System for their 100th blog post!

    Luna, JaxAmnell and The_Star_Fissure_System
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Well, I guess a lot of those are drafts, I just saw that number on the back end and got excited. 😁 You are still quite prolific! So happy you are here.

      • Level 5: Froglet

        I need to stop lurking so much. 😂

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Thank you! I reverted some of them to drafts, because more alters are uncomfortable with public information than I realized when we first started posting. But I’m sure we’ll get there again. 😆

        • Cassandra Cain Appreciation

          And the best brothers I just think she’s really cool and bad ass, and it’s cool that in some comics she doesn’t speak or has…

          • Level 5: Froglet
            Omg, YES. Yes. Love her <3 I think I somehow forgot all of DC existed and now must go down a rabbit trail of rediscovery, so thanks!!! -Kyrenoc
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        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          I brought back the forums to be a multilingual place for communication. Because Dissociabook is still a bit buggy when not using English, the forums have a purpose again. However, this time, I’ve decided not to have new forum posts notify Dissociabook. So, please swing by the forums now and then to see what’s up!

          (I replaced the old…

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        • Level 7: Prince/Princess
        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          Our more French-speaking alters were fronting just now and remembered that T-E-C mentioned something about having this site translated into Spanish and French and needing people to poke around and see how things were.

          Right away I want to say that we did not get far, as we were hit with a lot of BigEmotionsTM and started crying.

          ALL of…

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          Possum and saoirse.t-e-c
        • Level 7: Prince/Princess

          OK, I updated the blogging frontend interface – let me know your thoughts

          • Level 7: Prince/Princess

            One thing I’m noticing right away is when I access my “blogs” category, it has the number listed of blog entries…and it counts drafts towards those. It’s also not easy to tell which are drafts and which are actually published. (The drafts still appear to be private drafts, as i could not see them when we were signed out…but they aren’t only…

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          • Level 7: Prince/Princess

            We’ve been working on a draft, and I have loved the way to insert media (specifically pictures in my case) thus far!

          • Profile photo of JaxAmnell

            JaxAmnell updated their profile 5 months ago

            5 months ago

            Level 7: Prince/Princess
          • Level 7: Prince/Princess

            So, it seems the Edit comment function is broken. I’ll work on that this weekend. I’ll also take another stab at working on the blogging front end. When you guys find a bug, please let me know. Sometimes the bubblegum and duct tape that keep this site together need patching. 😉

            Possum, Luna and The_Star_Fissure_System
          • Level 7: Prince/Princess

            I changed the blogging plugin to something a little newer and more powerful. It’s also still a little rough around the edges. Let me know if you like it better than the old blog posting experience or want to return to the old way.

            The_Star_Fissure_System, JaxAmnell and Possum
            • Level 5: Froglet

              I was going to try it out, but…idk if this is a problem with being on phone, but I can’t find where to go for blogging anymore? I don’t have a “blog” category on the profile, and I can’t find anything off of our former blog posts (also can’t edit or change previous blogs…which I don’t overly care about, but I thought it should be noted).…

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          • Level 7: Prince/Princess
            The_Star_Fissure_System, JaxAmnell and Possum
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