• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    This is just a note to let you know that we’re still alive. 😉 We’ve been going through some health challenges and haven’t had the spoons to be active. Sorry for disappearing.

    erikajeankruger, Possum and 3 others
  • Profile photo of Luna

    Luna posted a new post. 2 months ago

    2 months ago

    Padsicles for Somatic Flashbacks

    TW: discussion of somatic(body) flashbacks and periods I wanted to share a tutorial for easing somatic flashbacks, particularly for those who have somatic flashbacks in…

  • Figuring things out

    Holy fuck. We actually have some more answers about our things. Our therapist has been telling us to spread it among our system so we…

  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    We actually created something again on here! Man, it’s been a long time. That felt really cathartic, and I hope we can get back to blogging more regularly again. No promises, though. Spoons have been in short supply, and life seems to want to suck all of them away all the time ^^ but we’re trying

    Hope everyone is able to take some time for…

    Read more

    Possum, The_Star_Fissure_System and 2 others
  • The forgotten stars

    The white-hot metal sizzled through the sky Landing at the roots of the sacred tree, it crackled Echoes of the starsteel rang through the forest…

    • JaxAmnell (edited)
      Level 7: Prince/Princess
      I want to know who in here wrote this, but since they didn't sign off on it, perhaps it will be lost like the forgotten stars... -Orpheus
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      XD logging onto this website today, I was not expecting that someone would have changed out our pfp, but it was a pleasant surprise, especially because one of our extreme special interests is the LoZ franchise!

      Anyway that’s not why I came on here, but I think I’ll write my other thoughts in a different update, to keep this one…

      Read more

      Possum and The_Star_Fissure_System
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Timeline feature is back! Some of our alters really missed this, so it’s exciting to see! (I don’t think we realized how much some of them liked it ^^)

      But, we’re tired and in pain, so I’m gonna hop off and lay down for a bit


      Possum and Luna
    • The Results Are In

      We are, unfortunately, the child of the parental-units who have abused us emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually for as long as we can remember. Our…

    • Profile photo of Luna

      Luna posted a new post. 3 months ago

      3 months ago

      The Trauma that Comes with Being Autistic

      We recently learned that people with autism are more likely to develop trauma disorders. Let’s talk about it. We’ve been diagnosed with autism since we…

      • Level 7: Prince/Princess
        Thank you for this post!! Our system is not officially diagnosed with autism, but it runs heavily in our family (officially diagnosed in a multitude of cases), but several therapists and doctors have… Read more
      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        A beautiful poem my husband shared with me yesterday <3 felt it might help others too

        The_Star_Fissure_System, JaxAmnell and Possum
        • Level 5: Froglet




          • Level 7: Prince/Princess

            This is something that still boggles us…we’re getting better, as least in regards to our parental-units, but this definitely could sink into our mind further, with everyone else in our lives

            Thank you for sharing!


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