• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    I’ve turned off posting to DissociaBook when new Blog posts are made. The main reason is that the T-E-C blog has never really used trigger warnings, and I don’t want to trigger someone who just wants to hang out on D’Book. People who want to keep up with the blogs can use the new box in the lower right of the page (or at the bottom if you’re…

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  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    by anonymous, reprinted with permission.

    What are Signs of Dissociative Identity Disorder?
    Or, how do I know if I have it?

    I am going to take a crack at answering this question as a clinician with over 25 years […]

  • Profile photo of saoirse.t-e-c

    saoirse.t-e-c posted an update a year ago

    a year ago (edited)

    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Members can join a new public group called “dissociative.art”. It will be a place to share your art and write about using it in the healing journey. It’s still an empty shell, but I’ve signed up a co-organizer interested in running it. My only request is that all art remain PG-13. If it takes off, we may also update the Art section of the…

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  • Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Not gonna lie, all this drama with the McLean video had our system wrecked. We were seriously thinking about the cost of what we do here online, but this weekend showed me exactly why it’s important. This is such […]

  • Discord Is Up

    It’s still in its early stages, but head on over to https://www.dissociative.cafe/discord to join the new .cafe discord server.  Right now, it’s all unmoderated and…

    theswarm, TrenchCoatSystem and 3 others
  • Profile photo of saoirse.t-e-c

    saoirse.t-e-c posted an update a year ago

    a year ago (edited)

    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Question for all you lovely froglets and tadpoles out there… should I make a dissociative.cafe Discord?

    I don’t want to take away from BraiDID’s Discord, it’s excellent, but we have a lot of site members who aren’t on there now, and I can’t expect everyone to become one of braiDID’s patreons; as much as I encourage that. 😉 The chat feature…

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    • Level 6: Adult Frog

      I think a discord is a great idea, and I’d be more than happy to volunteer as a mod if need be <3

      • Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

        i know you have already made the server but just thought we would pop in and say if you need any help we have quite a bit of experience with making/modding discord servers ^^ -zee

        • Level 5: Froglet

          I personally don’t do Discord. Maybe I’m out of touch with things and should. But for now I’ll be checking in here every week or so.

        • Level 7: Prince/Princess
        • Level 7: Prince/Princess
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