• Profile photo of Ashla

    Ashla posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    I just want to put my experience down. (I am not claming I have OSDD-1b, I just want to see if there is any similarities or if it’s completely different)

    The year I was going to High School (2017) There were a lot of things happening that was stressful. (Stressful because I got new information about what happened when I was younger) In June I…

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    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      I’m not qualified to tell you what’s going on. Do you have a therapist that understands trauma & dissociation? Have you ever read about introjects in dissociative systems? You might find that interesting. You are welcome here, ossd-1b or not, gender dysphoria or not.

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  • Profile photo of Ashla

    Ashla posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Grounding Techniques that works for Me (Not in particular order)😊

    1. Repeating what year, month and what day it is.😄

    2. Focusing on my breath going up and down. (Dropping the Anchor Meditation)😌

    3. Heating pads. (I have heating blankets to wrap myself with)🤗

    4. Playing the guitar and singing.😉

    5. Having a playlist of funny videos. (The ones where…

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    Luna, Flusterette and 2 others
  • Profile photo of Ashla

    Ashla posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Hello Discovering More About Myself😊

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  • Profile photo of Ashla

    Ashla became a registered member a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
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