Forum Replies Created

  • PrplPoppy

    December 14, 2022 at 2:51 pm in reply to: What country are you from?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Across the country in New Brunswick… Wow! 10-11pm you say? You guys are WILD! ???? Nothing happens here after 8pm. We kinda like it that way though, so we’re good.

    Do you know about the amendment they’re bringing to the MAiD law in Canada? Oh… MAiD stands for Medical Assistance in Dying… They want to make it accessible to mentally ill patients! As it is, some disabled people are looking at it because they can’t humanely survive on their disability payments. It’s heart breaking.

  • PrplPoppy

    December 14, 2022 at 6:13 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    We are the Puple Poppy System (PrplPoppy on our SM)… We are probably one of the oldest people on here, seeing that we have 4 adult children, the youngest being 20 years… and no teenage pregnancy.

    We found out about our System last year when we went through a traumatic event with our primary abuser, had a big life change, and our brain finally decided we didn’t have to live in survival mode anymore; all within the span of a few weeks. Well… WE knew about the System, the host didn’t. It took 364 days from our first therapy appointment with our therapist to our getting our Psychiatrist’s assessment results.

    We’re still very Switchy, so we get tired easy, but we like to crochet. It helps keep us grounded.

    What other grunging activity keeps you grounded?

  • PrplPoppy

    December 19, 2022 at 6:45 pm in reply to: What country are you from?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Right now it looks promising, but we don’t have much snow, so we’re not taking it for granted! Enjoy the Sun! Hopefully this week will go by quietly for those of us who have trauma around the Holidays…

  • PrplPoppy

    December 19, 2022 at 6:39 pm in reply to: What country are you from?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    We have snow today… if it weren’t for the vehicles travelling down the street, we’d have our favourite kind of day: quiet, still snow day, where everything (and everyone) is quiet. It’s the only time everyone in the system goes quiet, and we just have peace. We live for those days!❤️

  • PrplPoppy

    December 18, 2022 at 4:35 am in reply to: What country are you from?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Our daughter is dating someone from the UK, up north somewhere… He says you folks don’t get much snow. That true?

  • PrplPoppy

    December 18, 2022 at 4:33 am in reply to: What country are you from?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Good Afternoon? It’s after midnight here, so I figure I must be close!???? Hope you’re enjoying summer! ???????? We’re HOPING we’ll have snow for Christmas, but we love in a fog bank, so that eats up our snow pretty quick on both ends of the snow season here.

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