• Level 6: Adult Frog

    A new additional segment in tips to the ‘Allies’ segment of the wiki. Curious of y’alls thoughts. I think a lot of people always have the first thought of wanting to educate themselves for their friends which is great, but with DID/OSDD it’s a little more complex than that and needs some more care.

    (Potentially a surprising one) Don’t go and do…

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    Flusterette and saoirse.t-e-c
  • Profile photo of saoirse.t-e-c

    saoirse.t-e-c posted an update a year ago

    a year ago (edited)

    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    These rules are open for comment for two weeks – if you think something needs changing, let us know. This is a community website; the community deserves to have a say in its rules…

    The Dissociative.Cafe Rules

    The main rule of the dissociative.cafe website and Discord is simple – “Be Excellent to Each Other”.

    The main rule is not “Be Excellent to…

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  • Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    My youngest and i finished the artwork for my new etsy shop! Just got my business cards in!!! Already have 13 listings in my shop.

  • Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    So. My therapist told me i needed to carve out a little space of my own in the house where i can ground and be at peace. Unfortunately i haven’t been able to do so. My idea of making a little space would be a little nook where i could snuggle up with books, coloring books, tea or a mocktail, my crystals, my writing materials, and some…

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    Flusterette and Shardspace
    • Level 5: Froglet

      I hear you on the having no space. (And wasps!) What I currently do is have a canvas bag with my art supplies and coloring books and a basket with my bath bombs, nail polish, etc, and sometimes I’ll claim an area of the house for a time.

      • Level 5: Froglet

        Definitely it’s helpful to claim a little space as your own lil sanctuary. Hmm.

        What kind of space do you have? For example, once when I didn’t have my own space except my bedroom, I changed up my bedroom’s feng shui. And found I was able to set up more things for myself how I liked them, and found it made the space more versatile and felt… Read more

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    • Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

      Forced myself to shower and wash the pupper. Trying to stay ahead of the steroid funk. Weighted blanket on hand. I think some baking is in order.

      Flusterette and Shardspace
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Sorry T-E-C kind of dropped off the face of the planet – we’ve been sick with a bad strep infection, and the antibiotics give us bad nausea on top.

    • Reply to Any advice on doing "adult things" when managing life with your mental being?

      Level 5: Froglet

      It is a big adjustment at first, and especially at the beginning with the forms and things getting started it can be overwhelming.

      The good news is that it does get easier after everything settles into a routine.

      Some things that help us:

      – A calendar, the kind with big squares for the days. Pay day, due dates, classes, parties, errands……

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