• Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Hey-o, my wonderful tadpoles & froglets, sorry for this morning’s site outage. The site should be much more stable now. It’s back on a reliable combination of Almalinux & Debian. It had taken a detour into more bleeding-edge Linux a couple of months ago, which was a significant mistake. I just hadn’t felt up to fixing it until this morning.

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    If you have a question that is not currently answered on the FAQ, please comment it below or send it in a message!

  • Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    I haven’t been on here in forever but have been reminded to return because so much is happening recently.

    I got my diagnosis months ago but still struggled a lot with denial and avoidance. Recently I learned about non-possessive switches and that helped with a little bit of the denial. Then, earlier this week an alter switched out and made…

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    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Good for you, that sounds like major progress! Wishing the best to you and your system.

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  • Reply to Healing Ritual for Fusion

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Hi, it’s been a while but I thought I might update this thread 😅

    I finally got around to drafting up a self-love style fusion ritual that I believe will honor our old-selves and welcome our new self. It’s very rough, but I’m planning on refining it and performing our ritual on the 13th which I think is when the new moon is scheduled.

    We will…

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  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    A new piece on the”What we wish our Therapists Understood” page – I’ve had this happen with a therapist and have known others who have had this happen. Please know this is not standard and is something to stand up for yourself regarding. I know it can be easy in a therapy environment to just default to ‘okay’. This is not ‘okay’. (Please check…

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    1 Comment
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Yup, remember folks, Bad Therapy can be worse than No Therapy. We sadly say this from the voice of experience. Don’t put up with that crap.

    • Reply to What would you want in a dissociative care package?

      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Maybe “indulgent” self-care items like bath bombs and scented candles. Craft kits for middles and littles. Books that are related to dissociation – not as in “true story of DID” books, but fiction that is relatable in an emotional or abstract way, like Wendy Darling or The Southern Reach trilogy. (Could be triggering, but I also feel like…

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    • Level 7: Prince/Princess
    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Thank you again to those who joined yesterday’s Zoom meetup. We’ll try a Discord voice/video meetup in 2 weeks. If successful, Discord meetups will replace Zoom. If you have a suggested meeting topic, reply here, or use the #suggestion-box on Discord.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      I think I’m done breaking the site. 😉 Hope you guys like the new look. Also…
      REMINDER: This Saturday is the monthly Zoom meetup! Sign up for the Zoom social group if you want the link emailed to you.

    • Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Just a reminder, Saturday, October 7, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time is this month’s Zoom Hangout! Join the Zoom Hangout Social Group if you want to pop in and say hi.

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