Forum Replies Created

  • Headquarter.sys

    May 16, 2023 at 9:25 pm in reply to: How did you choose your name?
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Lets see,

    We started with the names A and M for the first two alters that revealed to us, they eventually became Adept, because one holds a lot of our thinking and skills, and M was made to Em, Agonist was named after an album with specific themes related to them, so was Epitaph and Cenotaph was named after a song that is related around our ideas of themes of what they represent to themselves, Parrotfoot was named after a name wed heard somewhere about a thief in south america with heavily arched feet. Kinfolk is a little/middle who identifies as kin/family and folk because theyre a people person. The traveler was named after a gangster/romance movie character from the 20’s. Oney is named that because they are small, and your honey, your Oney. Spike and Deunan are both named after fictional characters from animes, cowboy bebop and appleseed respectively. Mirage was named Mirage because of the way they appear in the mind, theyre a robotic pack mule and when they overheat it turns into a mirage where they disappear the closer you get. Gecko called themselves that because they had an affinity for Geckos since the system was small. Tara was named after the female version of the buddha, (she does not think she is the buddha in case youre wondering) because they are also very genderfluid. And shocktrooper goes by that name because thats how they first appeared to us recently. The rest just chose their own names because they liked the name.

  • Headquarter.sys

    May 12, 2023 at 6:58 pm in reply to: I feel old…
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Same same, we are 37 and in general kinda sorta behind, we try to remain curious and openminded to trying new things though. It helps us explore new apps and sites an things an reinvigorates us a little.

  • Headquarter.sys

    April 9, 2023 at 1:22 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Hi,not real sure if this forum is still active but ill try an intro anyways. We go by the headquarter system currently, and Im HQ, we are currently provisionally diagnosed as our understanding goes…or maybe officially, were not real sure. We also have schizoaffective, dyscalculia, generalized anxiety, and very possibly undiagnosed adhd. The body or structure as we call it, is Transfemme Non-binary and we use one/ones she/her or dude/dudes pronouns, pick your choosy. There are about 23? I think in our system? Were not good at counting us, whenever we do our dyscalculia kicks in and we lose track. We dont know if its from dyscalculia or trauma fog for sure though. We have a myriad of hobbies, currently we like emotional drawing, poetry, cats cradles, knots in general, tarot, and lots of reading. We also like to practice ukulele from time to time. We love collecting things as well. I am also a witch of a sort, and Rodger, a reformed persecutor is a dudeist that recently joined the priesthood if you could put it that way. Theres more but I wouldnt want to make an epic tome, ha.

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