• Level 6: Adult Frog

    WIKI EXCERPT – Sharing it because I’d love to hear if you all feel the same/hear your reflections:
    What we Wish our Doctors/Therapists Understood:
    Trying to bring Alters Forward:

    Alters usually come forward because of triggers. Especially early on in a therapeutic environment/relationship, it is highly unlikely that you requesting an alter to…

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    • Level 5: Froglet

      Yes. Especially early on, but really any time, if the therapist like gives a suggestion or something and then says, “What does __ think of this?” It’s so awkward because I have no idea, and I can’t summon them all of a sudden to find out. And I hate not having the answers.

      But sometimes the therapist does this thing where we’re having… Read more

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  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    How would y’all feel if I sometimes just post little excerpts from the wiki that I’m proud of here? I’m sure that not everyone here is reading through everything on the wiki and everything that gets updated under every link all the time lol but there’s some good stuff and I’m proud of it and would love to share bits with y’all sometimes. Yay/nay?

    alonee, Luna and 3 others
  • Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)Commonly referred to as ‘Depression’, MDD is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. MDD affects how you Think, feel, and behave, and can […]

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    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)What is PTSD?Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that comes either from witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. People with PTSD have […]

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Reminder that part of the reason we decided to publish the wiki and cafe as baby-sites (the wiki literally as it’s being created – you can literally watch it be created! All updates get published so you see it in all stages from rough-rough-rough draft to final product. You can go to wiki pages and see articles that literally stop…

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    Shardspace, Luna and saoirse.t-e-c
  • Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    What is a Co-Morbid Disorder?A co-morbid disorder or co-morbidity refers to two or more conditions that occur simultaneously in a person. These can be of varying symptoms and presentations and are not limited to […]

  • Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Living as a system is incredibly complex – it can feel like a full time job just trying to figure out how to function. Every system will have their own special ‘recipe’ that works for them for how to most smo […]

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Does anyone have any requests/suggestions for the wiki page “DID Survival guide” for sections other than ‘system communication techniques’, ‘grounding techniques’ and ‘acceptance’?

    • Level 5: Froglet

      Very much like/need all three of those! Maybe one also for external communication like how or if to tell others, communicating with therapist or other support people, masking, etc.

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  • Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Note: “Men”, “Women”, “Boys”, and “Girls” in this article refer to assigned sex at birth as we are discussing gender socialization. That is not to discount anyone’s identity but to discuss the effects of society […]

  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Hey just hope everyone’s doing well and taking care of themselves 🙂

    Shardspace, Aspect and 3 others
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