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  • ConfusedSoup

    March 10, 2023 at 3:02 am in reply to: Connection
    Level 5: Froglet

    I really appreciate the solidarity replies. Thank you all so much. Sometimes it gets so overwhelming.

  • ConfusedSoup

    January 10, 2023 at 4:31 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 5: Froglet

    uh im kinda shit at intros, but ill try. others have been lising members so.. uh yeah

    I’m Jay, i think im kinda stuck as host atm, hosted in the past when we were young. im kinda stuck arounf 19-22 atm, but our body is in its 40s.

    uh theres drake whos a dragon(and a dork), paper whos a ball of light or a fairy maybe(she was host before me), calli a.. whatever calli is(calli just fused from two others and i dont have good comunication with them yet, also kinda os a sassybitch but i love em), uh void ocean is outerspace, room is a room, Isaac is a 40year old dad(also a dork), Resa’s a 6ish year old who loves bunnies and skeletons and teeth, crow is somewhere between 2 and 4 i think and is super into the ‘i point at things and you tell me what it is and then i laugh’ game, smoke is going through some shit shes in flux atm but used to identify with the body i think, uuuh fuck who else…. someone who doesnt talk and doesnt have a name but texts alot, lofi who only appologizes profusly and panics(i wish i could help them better), and someone who cant see and wont talk i dunno it they can hear i have no comunication with them dunno anything about them… and thats all the known system i can remember atm. i feel there may be more i dont know about but thats a can of worms for later

    if any of the others want a better description they can reply to this post i guess. sorry intos make me nervous

    – Jay

    we’re here mostly to find some kind of comunity or solidarity or something, we dont use most social media and cant keep up with linear people very well.

    • ConfusedSoup

      January 10, 2023 at 4:43 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
      Level 5: Froglet

      So uh my ima do it first even though i did some above.

      im a 19 to 22ish year old guy whos skin does not match the body in ways i dont feel like geting into. my personal hobbies are gaming(mostly old school rpgs), crafting, watching crafting vids, writing a tiny bit, listening to music, being grumpy, and worldbuilding. really into vr atm too

      the others think im always mad or mean, but im not really. i get annoyed easy, but i kinda like being annoyed sometimes so its really not a big deal.

      im mostly hosting right now because i wanted a njob and no one else does, so im stuck doing it(i mean, fair enough), but then i get stuck humaning on our days off alot now too… so thats a thing.

      i dont really want to host, existence is tiring, but someones gotta i guess

      anyway thats my intro, sorry for rambling


  • ConfusedSoup

    January 10, 2023 at 3:57 am in reply to: Organisation and communication. How does your system do it?
    Level 5: Froglet

    we mostly use digital means, when we dont forget to look at them

    we have a private discord server with just us in it and pluralkit, and the app simply plural(it just got an update that lets you leave messages for eachother)

    but even with all that we’re kinda shit at scheduling and stuff, or keeping up with comunicating. mostly do to ‘being spacey’ and amnesia.

    looks like you’ve got good methods, just keep at it. it may take a few years before you see results, or it may only take a few weeks, just keep at it and eventually it will start working.

    when we found out and Paper was host, she wrote in a journal every day asking us questions and trying to get engagment, i never had the gut to reply back then, but some of us did and that made it less scary for the rest.

    – Jay

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 30, 2022 at 4:10 am in reply to: Site Suggestion Box
    Level 5: Froglet

    (a smidge off topic…)

    sluice it be okay to have a link to the wiki on my website? or should i wait on that?

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 6:32 am in reply to: Sign Language
    Level 5: Froglet

    i think the first abs must important things to learn as a system are yes, no, toilet, switch, dizzy, and conversation(we use this to let our partners know theres an internal convo happening when they ask if we’re okay or need input on a discussion, without having to say words and interupt our already fragile comunication)

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 6:06 am in reply to: How did you first get to know your different parts? (GC Edition)
    Level 5: Froglet

    i think we knew for a long time but at the same time didnt.<div>

    i’ve found old journals were we wrote back abs forth to eachother and lamented pretending to be one person from back in line middle school, but i dying remember writi g any of it (to be fair none of it was by me so that could be part of it)

    i think we were in our late 30s when the big event happened that changed everything adhd made us realize what was up.

    basically we had gone through some new shit (ill spare the details) and finally got to a safe place.

    pretty much everyone had retreated inside and a brand new alter, Paper, was host.

    but Paper had no memories

    like none.

    didn’t know our name, our partners, our family, nothing. but seemed fine with it.

    Paper didn’t understand the intense emotions they would get sometimes and tried to find a way to help those feeling (aka Smoke having a meltdown and endy thoughts)

    after a few years of research abs consulting found out about the disorder and got to work trying to communicate with smoke

    we’ve now got a diagnosis and paper is no longer hosting(but they’re still a sweety abs a great emotional help)


  • ConfusedSoup

    March 10, 2023 at 2:58 am in reply to: Connection
    Level 5: Froglet

    ill have to try the reminders thing, and bring it up with my therapist. i keep forgetting thats an option ><

    thank you

  • ConfusedSoup

    January 12, 2023 at 3:13 am in reply to: Organisation and communication. How does your system do it?
    Level 5: Froglet

    i feel that >< is so hard when most of us just dont care or don’t remember


  • ConfusedSoup

    January 12, 2023 at 3:11 am in reply to: Icebreaker Thread (Hobbies + Fun Facts)
    Level 5: Froglet

    wooo fuun involuntary host club lol T^T ;p


  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 11:31 pm in reply to: Legal Names
    Level 5: Froglet

    yeah, and luckily we’ll have help, so i really need to get on it >< the state we’re in is also one of the easiest to get it done in too

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 11:25 pm in reply to: Sign Language
    Level 5: Froglet

    definitely worth exploring i think, but yeah keeping up with it is difficult. i think the main reason we have is because of Crow, she can’t talk any other way yet and is really eager to comunicate. she also loves the game of pointing to things to be told what they are, verbally and with asl

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Sign Language
    Level 5: Froglet

    yeah having someone who will practice with you or wants to communicate in a way you can really helps. both our partness have been really great on that level, but i know that’s a luxury not everyone has.

    we’re also setting up practice parties with a fellow system friend over vr with handtracking. or well.. we text about it lot but are both anxious meating up even in vr

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 11:18 pm in reply to: Sign Language
    Level 5: Froglet

    we’re using a combination of apps(intersign asl, ace asl, hand talk, mimix3d, rocket languages), youtube, and the internet in general.

    we’d like to take a class class but anxiety + forgetfulness + moneystuff has made us reluctant to start the process.

    having someone to learn with helps lots too.

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 5:38 am in reply to: How did you choose your name?
    Level 5: Froglet

    Paper chose her name, she felt blank cause she had no memories at all, and she felt moldable like origami. first origami chamber was her name, but she split and is now Paper and Room(room did not choose its name, a room is just what it is)

    Crow got her name from playing with a toy crow alot(shes a little one and was utterly enamered by the thing)

    Calli choose thier name based on a pet caterpillar we had once

    Void Ocean had a few ideas and had our partner look over them (ae are outer space)

    Uh Resa is short for a name for a stuffed animal that represented her to us in the past when we had no idea what was going on.

    Isaac is also named for his stuffed animal representation

    Smoke wanted to smoke and mimes smoking when shes close

    my brain is getting scrambly, so i can’t remember more, but i think the majority are nicknames based on things they like or that trigger them out.. lotta unofficial names

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