• On Teletherapy

    Posted by darthcat on June 3, 2023 at 2:41 pm

    For those who have done teletherapy and actually got a benefit from it, why was it better for you then in-person therapy?

    I ask mainly because we have done teletherapy in the past with a previous therapist (pandemic then she switched to online). Our 50 minute sessions became 45 minutes, then eventually became 15 minutes (because we could not stomach her anymore).

    What also did not help is that we were doing this at home. So, we were always panicking about our parents overhearing us or knocking on our door. So we felt as if we had to be extra careful of the words that we were saying.

    And, as we go to college who might want to look in doing teletherapy again, or we might have to drive an hour or more for a therapist who might specialize in Dissociative Disorders and Trauma.

    I still think that we will be nervous talking out loud to a computer, and hopefully we will be in a quiet place to do so.

    Just want to know if there are benefits to teletherapy that still make it worthwhile.

    saoirse.t-e-c replied 1 year, 2 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • saoirse.t-e-c

    June 3, 2023 at 3:01 pm
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    We do weekly therapy via Zoom, and it works pretty well. That said, we’re doing it from our own private home and don’t have to worry about someone listening in. You may need to find a private, safe spot where you can talk. The beauty of teletherapy is you can take your phone anywhere. 😉 Maybe your therapy spot will be in a park? Do you have a car you could sit in?

    • darthcat

      June 3, 2023 at 3:09 pm
      Level 6: Adult Frog

      Darn, we were thinking exclusively of dorm rooms. 😅

      Have not even thought of a park or in our car. So thanks for that. Or, even on a phone.

      This brings more opportunity (teletherapy being anywhere), especially when we do not know at the moment our dorm situation and who we are rooming with.

      • saoirse.t-e-c

        June 3, 2023 at 3:12 pm
        Level 7: Prince/Princess

        I’ve done teletherapy from my car before when I didn’t want my roommate at the time to hear. It works. The key is finding/making a space where you won’t be interrupted and feel safe speaking your truth. If that’s in a McDonald’s parking lot, so be it. 😉

  • The_Star_Fissure_System

    June 22, 2023 at 9:07 am
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    We’ve only ever done teletherapy, so I can’t give a perspective on traditional in-person therapy. In-person was what we wanted, as it’s a lot easier for us to feel comfortable around a person if we can “feel” their energy, and we have a lot of trouble doing that online. But, in the end, teletherapy has the immeasurable benefit of us seeing a therapist who has experience with DID. She takes our memories seriously, even when we think we are crazy, and tells us that we aren’t imaginary, even when we try to insist that we are.

    I think the biggest benefit to teletherapy is that it gives you a bigger pool of therapists to choose from. And that, from my own experience and from what I have heard other systems say, matters with dissociative disorders.

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      June 22, 2023 at 5:52 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      Finding someone who knows what to do with DID is the most important part; I totally agree. That’s why my therapist (life coach) is actually in a different country. <laugh> Insurance doesn’t pay for it, but he’s a specialist, and I’ve made more progress with him in 3ish years than I did for almost two decades with other therapists. It wouldn’t be possible without Teletherapy.

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