Welcome to the dissociative cafe! Forums General Chat If there was a pill to get rid of DID/OSDD, would you take it? Reply To: If there was a pill to get rid of DID/OSDD, would you take it?

  • darthcat

    May 20, 2023 at 5:15 pm
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Any medication in of its self comes with unknown side-effects.

    With DID/OSDD being having a lack of research as it is, in a pharmacological standpoint. Hell, no!

    We do not want to be supporting Big Pharma.

    Our brains have only existed as a system, I do not know what life would look with only one of us here. Nor, do I really care to find out.

    To us it feels like “why should one existence be prioritized over others?”

    Sure, we do have fears within our system, being that we are still getting to know ours. Though, that is usually stems down to “what if everything goes quiet and we are here, all alone?” So, even in our fears, we have fears about not being a system.

    We do not know the perspective of someone whose response would be “Hell, yes!”

    Though we are curious, we might also be worried about “what does this mean for us?”

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