Welcome Jes!

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I have yet to directly meet Jes, but I wanted to throw a welcome note out here. 🙂 Konnichiwa!

I’m wondering what this all means for the rest of us, of course. I’m guessing that Jes will be the new host of the system?? I talked to FW and we decided that Saoirse’s council seat would just become Jes’ seat for now. We may run a special election sometime in the Spring – maybe on the equinox? We have to figure out how we’re going to work together as a system, and what, if anything, has changed there.

But, we don’t have to figure that out today.

I admit, I feel like grieving in an odd sort of way. As much as Saoirse and I gave each other a hard time, and disagreed on, like, all sorts of things… well, I think I’m going to miss it.

“Mother says deep down in his heart Anthony loves me. Anthony says deep

down in his heart he thinks I stink. Mother says deep deep down in his heart,

where he doesn’t even know it, Anthony loves me. Anthony says deep deep

down in his heart he still thinks I stink.” – from I’ll Fix Anthony by Judith Viorst

Of course, I know that Saoirse isn’t dead or anything. Just changed. Can one grieve their really cool pet caterpillar when it becomes a butterfly? I kind of think so. BUT, I’m looking forward to learning more about the butterfly. 🙂

Again, welcome to T-E-C Jes.

#fusion #did


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