Introductions – Active Fronters

Blogs may include sensitive or triggering content. Reader discretion is advised.

Hensō [They/He] is a main frontier is often somewhere in or near the front room. He is our masker and often hides the fact he is there to us and others by acting as other alters. He is often seen by others (both in and out of system) as a bad guy but they’re not trying to be. For a long time they only knew to do their job, but when they stop masking once in a blue moon you can see that they’re just there to help the system and fellow headmates.

Oliver [Ask] is one of our InconsistentHosts as well as our only Front Keeper. They are both gender-fluid and an age-slider. They are not good at expressing and/or feeling emotions. Both Oliver and Hensō are subsystem hosts. They do not pop up often and when they do are always willing to meet new people.

怒った魂 (Rage) [It/Rage/They] is one of our anger holders. Rage is known to have a short temper, but as long as you don’t get on his bad side they know how to play nice.

Shinsou [He/They] is our Knowledge Protector as well as a Subsystem Host. He feels like he must know everything about our system and past in order to protect the system. They used to be very adamant on it to the point of acting like a Persecutor (Misguided Protector) at one point. He is often front trigger by talk of systems and system terminology. He is quite nice unless he is very hyper focused on some system thing. He can be pushy at times.

Oreo [She/Purr] is a lust holder and a member of Library of Memories subsystem (which Oliver is the host of). She is often making second hand 18+ jokes and is often needed to be sprayed with water. (She is a Cat-Human (Neko).) She can play nice around little and age-regressed people. Please let her know if she goes too far, purr doesn’t really understand boundaries unless spelled out to purr.


If you have any questions for any of these headmates, roles, or the whole system please ask below.  – Shinsou + Oliver 


  1. Nice to meet y’all!!

    Apparently our Denki got really excited to “finally see more fictives on the site, so we can relax” (kinda hilarious proof of our amnesia, as multiple of our own fictives have created content on this site)

    We have a Fox-Human/Kitsune in our system named Holo (as in holographic), and your introduction of Purr really reminds me of her! She got really excited to know that other systems have alters “like her”

      1. I agree! We were briefly in another DID focused type of server, and I would frequently find myself in the general chat with three other Denki Kaminaris 😅🤣 I personally really like seeing each system’s unique perspective on the character!!!

        1. We are in a server with five other friend systems, and four out of five have Denki alters. Our Denki says you’re now part of the Denki cult if you wanna join. – Shinsou

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