Welcome to the dissociative cafe! Forums General Chat What country are you from?

  • What country are you from?

    Posted by PrplPoppy on December 14, 2022 at 12:37 pm

    Hi! We know DID is rare, and it’s very isolating at times. We also know that access to treatment, and treatment itself, can vary from country to country. Personally, I live in Canada, but as Canadians know, we don’t all live in the big metropolitan cities that most others think of when they think of Canada. We’re spread pretty thin at times!

    We just thought it’d be nice to know who else here is from Canada, and where everyone is from…

    We don’t want to create “clicks” or anything like that, but more to have opportunity to discuss things that are more local concerns, like the MAiD law being opened to mentally ill Canadians, and what it could mean for us. People from different countries will have different concerns.

    Ladyhobbes replied 1 year, 2 months ago 15 Members · 24 Replies
  • 24 Replies
  • saoirse.t-e-c

    December 14, 2022 at 1:03 pm
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    We’re not in Canada, but we’re like 56 km from the border, so almost! 😉 (We live between Seattle and Vancouver.) We live in a town with one real grocery store, so I hear ya about not being in the city. They roll up the streets here about 10-11 p.m. and the town goes to bed. What province are you in?

  • PrplPoppy

    December 14, 2022 at 2:51 pm
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Across the country in New Brunswick… Wow! 10-11pm you say? You guys are WILD! 😅 Nothing happens here after 8pm. We kinda like it that way though, so we’re good.

    Do you know about the amendment they’re bringing to the MAiD law in Canada? Oh… MAiD stands for Medical Assistance in Dying… They want to make it accessible to mentally ill patients! As it is, some disabled people are looking at it because they can’t humanely survive on their disability payments. It’s heart breaking.

  • saoirse.t-e-c

    December 14, 2022 at 3:49 pm
    Level 7: Prince/Princess

    Well, a lot of places close earlier, but you can still get a pizza until 10:30 p.m., which is the latest you can get any food on the island. Thank goodness for the pizza place. It’s like two blocks from where we live, too.

    That law sounds horrible. Well, it probably had good intentions, but in practice that’s horrible. When we were in our early 20s we were so messed up that we had to be on disability, so my heart goes out to anyone in that situation. We’re actually facing the possibility of having to go on disability again due to physical health stuff. We have long term disability insurance through work, though, so this time we could actually survive without having to eat so much ramen. 😉

  • ASocietyofGhosts

    December 15, 2022 at 7:37 pm
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    Smack dab almost in the middle of the US for us v.v

  • theswarm

    December 15, 2022 at 9:37 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    We hail from New Zealand

    • PrplPoppy

      December 18, 2022 at 4:33 am
      Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

      Good Afternoon? It’s after midnight here, so I figure I must be close!😅 Hope you’re enjoying summer! 🥰🫠 We’re HOPING we’ll have snow for Christmas, but we love in a fog bank, so that eats up our snow pretty quick on both ends of the snow season here.

      • theswarm

        December 18, 2022 at 5:27 am
        Level 5: Froglet

        Currently 6:19pm here, so yes close enough. Fingers crossed for your white Christmas. Loving the sun so far, but it is verrry early so its going to be a very hot one

        • PrplPoppy

          December 19, 2022 at 6:45 pm
          Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

          Right now it looks promising, but we don’t have much snow, so we’re not taking it for granted! Enjoy the Sun! Hopefully this week will go by quietly for those of us who have trauma around the Holidays…

  • TraumatisedUnicorn

    December 18, 2022 at 3:25 am
    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    We’re in the UK

    • PrplPoppy

      December 18, 2022 at 4:35 am
      Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

      Our daughter is dating someone from the UK, up north somewhere… He says you folks don’t get much snow. That true?

      • TraumatisedUnicorn

        December 18, 2022 at 4:41 am
        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        Funnily enough we have snow right now! But he’s right, we don’t get much of it. Everyone panics when we do and public transport stops running, businesses close, even our doctors surgery has been closed coz of the snow.

        • PrplPoppy

          December 19, 2022 at 6:39 pm
          Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

          We have snow today… if it weren’t for the vehicles travelling down the street, we’d have our favourite kind of day: quiet, still snow day, where everything (and everyone) is quiet. It’s the only time everyone in the system goes quiet, and we just have peace. We live for those days!❤️

          • TraumatisedUnicorn

            December 22, 2022 at 7:22 pm
            Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

            Quiet, peaceful days are the best! I hope you all get to have some soon ♡

  • kingslayer

    December 20, 2022 at 11:10 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    We’re from the US (like the western part).

  • The_Chaos_Is_In_Us_

    December 22, 2022 at 10:50 am
    Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    USA sucks! its so boring here, can we go to Canada and take some of you guys with us?? who wants to go?

    • saoirse.t-e-c

      December 22, 2022 at 4:07 pm
      Level 7: Prince/Princess

      I wouldn’t consider rural Canada to be exciting either. lol

      I actually like where I live. I’m lucky that my job allows me to literally work from anywhere in the US that has good internet. I don’t want to live anywhere other than the pacific northwest, though.

  • ConfusedSoup

    December 26, 2022 at 3:02 am
    Level 5: Froglet

    live in the usa

    (on the western part if Tennessee. just far enough out of a big city that we can walk to anything we need and there’s plenty of stuff open 24hours, but we don’t have to deal with being *in* a city)

  • Flusterette

    February 3, 2023 at 3:09 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    I’m from Ontario, Canada, SW of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).

    I’ve been to NB and it was really beautiful 🙂 It was a stop on a road trip down East and back, about four years ago this September.

  • erikajeankruger

    April 28, 2023 at 3:35 pm
    Level 5: Froglet

    Canadian Pwd here from the greater Vancouver area.

    Let us assure you, the facilities, access, and awareness here in big cities are just as terrible.

    Both our therapist as well as several psychiatrists over the past 2.5 years of being diagnosed have had 0 information on this disorder.

    We wish it wasn’t such an isolating disorder.

  • Valley_System

    May 14, 2023 at 9:14 pm
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Missouri, America. We live in the suburbs of a big city but its kind of declined and we haven’t been able to find DID specialists anywhere near us

  • darthcat

    May 15, 2023 at 1:11 pm
    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Born and raised in Ohio, USA.

    (Why are there things like: “Only in Ohio…” Or, “of course it happened in Ohio.”)

    I know that we live here, we are just very isolated (both by choice and not having social media accounts, or many friends who talk about politics.

  • T.G.

    May 17, 2023 at 4:12 pm
    Level 3: Toothed Tadpole

    Born in Romania but have been living in the UK for about 7 years give or take. Don’t really have home roots, lived in Turkey as well for a while. Nice to meet everyone!

  • solarsystem

    May 26, 2023 at 1:05 am
    Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    Kia ora!! I’m from Northland New Zealand living in a small town called Moerewa. I’m part Māori part American so I’m an Amaorican!😉

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