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Tools for Systems


  • Simply Plural (available on the web now too!) – A tool for tracking switches and communication between alters. Created specifically for systems.
  • Antar – A tool that can be used to communicate back and forth easily between alters.


  • – This website is created to assist neurodivergent people with things they find overwhelming or difficult, using AI. It has a few incredible tools/sections:

1) “Magic to do” (Task breakdown): You type in what task you have to do (i.e. “I have to do the dishes.” or “I need to go grocery shopping.” You can select a level of ‘spiciness’ from 1-5 spicies depending on how much you need the task broken down for you. Then hit enter and then click the magic wand button next to the ‘task’ it creates for you. It’ll create a list of tasks broken down, each of which you can go to the right of and estimate a time for, edit, add a subtask, or remove.

2) “Formalizer”: Write what you want to say and it’ll put your words into text that is more professional. Again you can select a level of ‘spiciness’ for the level of professionalism you want it to take it to.

3) “Judge” (Tone assessor): You can type in text someone else wrote or that you wrote and it’ll analyze it for you. This can be super helpful if you’re unsure what someone is conveying through their text tone or if you’re unsure if your tone over text will be misunderstood.

4) “Estimator”: Put in a task you need to do and it’ll give you a time estimation of how long that task should take on average.

5) “Compiler”: Write a braindump and it’ll turn it into a list of tasks which then can be sent to magic to do. (I will say when I did that it was a little silly and did take some of the things from my braindump that shouldn’t really have been tasks – things like “be overwhelmed” became tasks – that being said, that’s the first and only issue I’ve had with this so far which is pretty dang impressive and I def wrote much more there than was necessary.)

6) “The Chef”: Write what ingredients you have available. You can also write down serving sizes, time constraints, tools available, dietary restrictions, etc. You can send the result of your recipe to magic to do to break it down.


There are infinite journaling methods, but here are some common ones. So, if you need help getting started, look through this list and see if one of these inspires you.

  • Stream of Consciousness Journaling involves writing continuously for a set period without pausing or editing yourself along the way. You may wish to set a timer on your phone. This type of journaling aims to let your thoughts flow without judging or censoring yourself. This method can be beneficial in identifying thought patterns and gaining insight.
  • Gratitude Journaling involves writing down things you’re thankful for. It can help you shift your focus away from negative thoughts and cultivate a more positive outlook. It can also help you develop a deeper appreciation for people, things, and experiences in your daily life.
  • Art Journaling combines writing with art. Art Journaling can include drawings, paintings, collages, or any other art form. It can benefit people who struggle to express themselves through words alone.
  • Bullet journaling is an organizational method that describes how a journal is set up. Bullet journals have dots on a grid on their paper, and bullet journaling utilizes symbols and notes within those dot frameworks to keep track of tasks, goals, and ideas. Often, bullet journals include daily reflections and habit tracking. Bullet journaling is popular for its aesthetics, flexibility, and adaptability to an individual’s needs.
  • Prompt-based Journaling involves using specific questions or prompts to guide your writing. It benefits those who feel stuck or unsure of what to write about. Prompts can be related to particular themes or topics (i.e. mental health, relationships, personal growth, creativity, etc.).
  • Reflective Journaling involves reflecting on past experiences and what you’ve learned or gained from them. It can be especially helpful for processing difficult emotions and experiences and for identifying patterns and areas for growth.

Deep Breathing

I know, I know, you’ve heard it a million times. But taking a few intentional breaths genuinely can help you to ground. Try breathing along with this gif to help you ground and use it as a resource if you need assistance.

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