Legal adults with any dissociative disorder and their allies are welcome here. If you are a minor, we respectfully ask that you leave.


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  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    Does anyone have any requests/suggestions for the wiki page “DID Survival guide” for sections other than ‘system communication techniques’, ‘grounding techniques’ and ‘acceptance’?

    • Level 5: Froglet

      Very much like/need all three of those! Maybe one also for external communication like how or if to tell others, communicating with therapist or other support people, masking, etc.

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  • Profile photo of math

    math became a registered member a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
  • Profile photo of braidid

    braidid posted a new post. a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 6: Adult Frog

    Note: “Men”, “Women”, “Boys”, and “Girls” in this article refer to assigned sex at birth as we are discussing gender socialization. That is not to discount anyone’s identity but to discuss the effects of society […]

  • Profile photo of alonee

    alonee posted an update a year ago

    a year ago

    Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

    [cn: question about flashbacks]

    Is it possible to have a flashback in the sense of cPTSD, if one doesn’t have strong feelings during, or is unsure about one’s feelings?
    Maybe it is just that I still struggle with naming anger.
    Is it a “flashback”, if the feeling is new, but the context/thought is old?

    I find myself having trouble…

    Read more

    • Level 5: Froglet

      From our experience anytime we have a flashback the feelings attached to them feel new and completely raw.

      Try finding an outlet for the anger, it might help with being able to move through the emotion rather than getting stuck on it.

    • Level 6: Adult Frog

      Hey just hope everyone’s doing well and taking care of themselves 🙂

      Shardspace, Aspect and 3 others
      1 Comment
    • Level 5: Froglet

      My partners surprised my littles with this blackout tent. The hope is that it will be a safe space for them and also the partners don’t have to hunt through all of our wardrobes in the house to locate them if they get triggered (they tend to hide in small dark spaces).

      Shardspace and Luna
      1 Comment
      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        I really want to get something like that too for our littles, so that they can have their own space to decompress. They deserve all the happiness <3 I hope it works for y’all.

      • Profile photo of NullandVoidSystem

        NullandVoidSystem became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 2: Swimming Tadpole
      • Profile photo of t-e-c

        t-e-c posted a new post. a year ago

        a year ago

        Struggling, and a Long Switch...

        This blog is essentially one of T-E-C’s journals. We can’t promise to always be entertaining or engaging (or to ever be, for that matter), but…

      • Profile photo of Laddy

        Laddy became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 2: Swimming Tadpole
      • Profile photo of TheCrowSystem

        TheCrowSystem became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs
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