Legal adults with any dissociative disorder and their allies are welcome here. If you are a minor, we respectfully ask that you leave.


This is the cafe’s social network. It gathers recent activity from elsewhere on the site and allows members to share their thoughts, memes, links, and likes with each other. Some content may only be viewable by those logged into the site.

  • Level 2: Swimming Tadpole

    Hey everyone. Thought I’d pop on real quick and say Hi! My name is Autumn and I’m the writer in our Fox Tales System. I’m super excited about this and hope to meet some nice people here. Chat if you want, I’m always up for a talk!

    Aspect, Shardspace and theswarm
  • Level 6: Adult Frog

    What are some myths about DID you’d like us to bust on the wiki?

    • Level 5: Froglet

      I’m not sure if these count but I’ve heard fears about there being evil alters like Jekyll/Hyde, and also DID vs possession.

      On kind of a lighter note maybe an “Everybody with DID…” section for all of the “Everybody with DID communicates this way,” or “Everybody with DID presents this way” etc ones

    • Profile photo of banana

      banana became a registered member a year ago

      a year ago

      Level 2: Swimming Tadpole
      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        WIKI EXCERPT – Sharing it because I’d love to hear if you all feel the same/hear your reflections:
        What we Wish our Doctors/Therapists Understood:
        Trying to bring Alters Forward:

        Alters usually come forward because of triggers. Especially early on in a therapeutic environment/relationship, it is highly unlikely that you requesting an alter to…

        Read more

        • Level 5: Froglet

          Yes. Especially early on, but really any time, if the therapist like gives a suggestion or something and then says, “What does __ think of this?” It’s so awkward because I have no idea, and I can’t summon them all of a sudden to find out. And I hate not having the answers.

          But sometimes the therapist does this thing where we’re having… Read more

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      • Level 6: Adult Frog

        How would y’all feel if I sometimes just post little excerpts from the wiki that I’m proud of here? I’m sure that not everyone here is reading through everything on the wiki and everything that gets updated under every link all the time lol but there’s some good stuff and I’m proud of it and would love to share bits with y’all sometimes. Yay/nay?

        alonee, Luna and 2 others
      • Profile photo of braidid

        braidid posted a new post. a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 6: Adult Frog

        Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)Commonly referred to as ‘Depression’, MDD is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. MDD affects how you Think, feel, and behave, and can […]

      • Profile photo of Flusterette

        Flusterette became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 5: Froglet
      • Profile photo of braidid

        braidid posted a new post. a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 6: Adult Frog

        Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)What is PTSD?Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that comes either from witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. People with PTSD have […]

      • Profile photo of Ashla

        Ashla posted an update a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 4: Tadpole with Legs

        Hello Discovering More About Myself😊

      • Profile photo of Bubblies005

        Bubblies005 became a registered member a year ago

        a year ago

        Level 2: Swimming Tadpole
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